WEBVTT 00:00:02.520 --> 00:00:05.546 Welcome to the Vessel Entrance and Clearance System Training 00:00:05.546 --> 00:00:06.440 for vessel agents. 00:00:06.800 --> 00:00:09.280 This is Lesson 3, Arrival report. 00:00:12.760 --> 00:00:15.931 Clicking on the arrival report icon of the desired vessel 00:00:15.931 --> 00:00:18.720 segment will bring you to the arrival report page. 00:00:19.520 --> 00:00:22.080 The left pane displays the following information. 00:00:22.560 --> 00:00:27.693 The vessel's name, The vessel's flag, the vessel's International 00:00:27.693 --> 00:00:32.589 Maritime Organization number or IMO number, the vessel's call 00:00:32.589 --> 00:00:37.249 sign, the vessel type, the vessel's owner and the vessel's 00:00:37.249 --> 00:00:37.960 operator. 00:00:38.880 --> 00:00:42.673 The right pane displays the status of certificates and 00:00:42.673 --> 00:00:46.880 documents submitted via the Document Imaging System, or DIS. 00:00:49.200 --> 00:00:52.588 The Name, Phone Number and Agency e-mail fields are auto 00:00:52.588 --> 00:00:55.680 populated from your ACE Secure Data Portal account. 00:00:56.360 --> 00:00:59.416 The other e-mail field is optional and allows for input of 00:00:59.416 --> 00:01:02.525 a team e-mail address or any other e-mail address you would 00:01:02.525 --> 00:01:04.960 like to receive Arrival Report status updates. 00:01:07.920 --> 00:01:09.760 The bond number is mandatory. 00:01:10.560 --> 00:01:13.606 The system will check if the bond number is valid once you 00:01:13.606 --> 00:01:16.240 press the submit button at the bottom of the form. 00:01:17.160 --> 00:01:22.711 The last port, arrival port and the next port is auto populated 00:01:22.711 --> 00:01:25.400 from the ENOA. In these fields, 00:01:25.840 --> 00:01:29.422 simply make sure the data is accurate and make corrections as 00:01:29.422 --> 00:01:30.000 necessary. 00:01:31.520 --> 00:01:35.641 As a reminder, the bond must be an activity code 3 or 3A3 00:01:35.641 --> 00:01:37.560 International Carrier bond. 00:01:39.720 --> 00:01:42.560 The estimated date of arrival must be in the future. 00:01:43.400 --> 00:01:47.579 Click on the calendar and the clock icons to set the date and 00:01:47.579 --> 00:01:50.680 time. At least one dock location is required. 00:01:51.760 --> 00:01:56.042 Typing part of the dock location name or the port code will list 00:01:56.042 --> 00:01:57.360 all matching values. 00:01:58.240 --> 00:02:02.308 You can add multiple locations in chronological order of 00:02:02.308 --> 00:02:06.661 arrival by clicking on the blue + If the vessel will move to 00:02:06.661 --> 00:02:10.944 different births while in port, you can remove locations by 00:02:10.944 --> 00:02:12.800 clicking on the X or X all 00:02:12.880 --> 00:02:18.561 to clear all locations. To land Supplies, Ship Stores and Sea 00:02:18.561 --> 00:02:23.785 stores subject to Free or Duty Paid entry, simply select 00:02:23.785 --> 00:02:29.467 Unlading. To remove vessel owned equipment permanently or for 00:02:29.467 --> 00:02:32.400 repairs and return to the vessel 00:02:32.760 --> 00:02:34.560 select the Unlading box. 00:02:35.760 --> 00:02:39.816 You can enter each item 1 by 1 or use the Upload Data button 00:02:39.816 --> 00:02:41.080 for multiple items. 00:02:41.960 --> 00:02:45.206 A template is provided and can be accessed by clicking the 00:02:45.206 --> 00:02:48.673 question mark next to the Upload Data button and then clicking 00:02:48.673 --> 00:02:50.600 the hyperlink in the example text. 00:03:13.590 --> 00:03:17.945 The downloadable template is in the CSV file format and should 00:03:17.945 --> 00:03:19.950 be completed as pictured here 00:03:19.950 --> 00:03:20.670 on the screen. 00:03:22.750 --> 00:03:26.446 The uploaded data automatically populates the fields as seen 00:03:26.446 --> 00:03:26.750 here. 00:03:27.350 --> 00:03:30.451 This is useful in the case of multiple items or lengthy 00:03:30.451 --> 00:03:31.670 itemized declarations. 00:03:55.450 --> 00:03:59.484 Now we will cover special permits such as bunkers, 00:03:59.484 --> 00:04:04.547 ballast, bonded warehouse, FTZ withdrawal, services, permission 00:04:04.547 --> 00:04:06.050 to board, and more. 00:04:08.330 --> 00:04:12.806 To identify a special permit per voyage, simply select the box 00:04:12.806 --> 00:04:14.370 next to each function. 00:04:14.810 --> 00:04:19.726 In this example, both bunker fuel and bonded warehouse FTZ 00:04:19.726 --> 00:04:20.810 are selected. 00:04:21.170 --> 00:04:28.760 This is indicated by a blue check mark. For vessels arriving 00:04:28.760 --> 00:04:34.360 outside of the port of entry, or discharging 00:04:34.360 --> 00:04:38.464 cargo outside of the port of entry, or requiring a boarding 00:04:38.464 --> 00:04:39.080 at anchor 00:04:39.560 --> 00:04:44.685 may be requested by selecting the box as displayed here. To 00:04:44.685 --> 00:04:49.897 request permission to board without CBP supervision prior to 00:04:49.897 --> 00:04:53.399 the inspection or boarding of the vessel 00:04:53.760 --> 00:04:55.680 list all individuals here. 00:04:56.920 --> 00:05:02.060 These individuals could include surveyors, Courier personnel, 00:05:02.060 --> 00:05:04.880 essential crew replacements, etc. 00:05:07.280 --> 00:05:12.080 On this portion of the arrival report, verify the pre-populated 00:05:12.080 --> 00:05:15.080 SCAC codes by entering a voyage number. 00:05:16.240 --> 00:05:20.355 If you need to make a change, you can do so here as these 00:05:20.355 --> 00:05:22.200 fields are fully editable. 00:05:22.960 --> 00:05:32.090 However, at least one field is required when the vessel is 00:05:32.090 --> 00:05:35.960 laden with foreign cargo. 00:05:38.240 --> 00:05:42.657 Under Cargo Operations, you can select the type of cargo and 00:05:42.657 --> 00:05:47.220 what is expected to happen to that cargo while in port on this 00:05:47.220 --> 00:05:47.800 arrival. 00:05:49.960 --> 00:05:54.390 This section provides you with an opportunity to request 00:05:54.390 --> 00:05:56.800 Preliminary Entry or Aqua Lane. 00:05:57.720 --> 00:06:02.137 This will allow cargo operations to begin prior to a formal 00:06:02.137 --> 00:06:02.800 entrance. 00:06:06.920 --> 00:06:11.557 Military cargo or cargo being retained on board for onward 00:06:11.557 --> 00:06:13.680 ports can be declared here. 00:06:16.880 --> 00:06:21.025 The crew and passenger counts are pre populated based on 00:06:21.025 --> 00:06:25.098 information received from the ENOA associated with this 00:06:25.098 --> 00:06:25.680 arrival. 00:06:26.200 --> 00:06:28.920 If everything looks good, you're good to go. 00:06:29.600 --> 00:06:32.000 If not, you can make a change here. 00:06:34.920 --> 00:06:38.768 Any additional comments or requests not addressed in the 00:06:38.768 --> 00:06:42.280 above fields may be written in free text form here. 00:06:43.160 --> 00:06:46.764 This function is meant to replace the need to send a 00:06:46.764 --> 00:06:50.640 separate e-mail to the CBP office servicing your vessel. 00:06:53.600 --> 00:06:57.555 When you reach the bottom of the page, you will find a delete, 00:06:57.555 --> 00:06:59.000 save and submit button. 00:06:59.880 --> 00:07:03.244 The system saves the information as you progress through the 00:07:03.244 --> 00:07:03.520 form. 00:07:04.320 --> 00:07:07.400 You can manually save by clicking the save button. 00:07:08.040 --> 00:07:11.976 The submit button will be disabled until all errors are 00:07:11.976 --> 00:07:12.680 corrected. 00:07:14.040 --> 00:07:17.776 A message in red font will appear above the action button 00:07:17.776 --> 00:07:20.160 if there are any errors on the form. 00:07:21.320 --> 00:07:25.555 The date and time of the last successful save are displayed 00:07:25.555 --> 00:07:27.320 under the action buttons. 00:07:29.840 --> 00:07:34.182 Once you are ready to submit and all errors are corrected, click 00:07:34.182 --> 00:07:35.920 on the blue submit button. 00:07:36.640 --> 00:07:39.400 You will then receive an e-mail confirmation. 00:07:40.360 --> 00:07:45.355 You may delete an arrival report if CBP has not processed the 00:07:45.355 --> 00:07:46.000 request. 00:07:46.840 --> 00:07:51.014 Arrival reports that have been approved by CBP cannot be 00:07:51.014 --> 00:07:51.600 deleted. 00:07:52.920 --> 00:07:57.472 You may edit an arrival report if CBP has not processed the 00:07:57.472 --> 00:07:58.080 request. 00:07:59.320 --> 00:08:03.452 Arrival reports that have been approved by CBP cannot be 00:08:03.452 --> 00:08:03.960 edited. 00:08:08.000 --> 00:08:12.395 This is an example of the e-mail confirmation that will be sent 00:08:12.395 --> 00:08:16.515 to the e-mail address associated with the Vessel Agency ACE 00:08:16.515 --> 00:08:20.567 account and any additional e-mail addresses entered in the 00:08:20.567 --> 00:08:23.520 other e-mail field at the top of the form. 00:08:25.880 --> 00:08:29.760 You may edit an arrival report by clicking the Reopen button. 00:08:30.280 --> 00:08:33.986 This will put the arrival report back into a draft status and 00:08:33.986 --> 00:08:35.600 allow you to edit the page. 00:08:36.640 --> 00:08:39.960 Once you are done, remember to resubmit the document. 00:08:43.240 --> 00:08:46.153 The vessel entrance and clearance system records all 00:08:46.153 --> 00:08:49.560 changes in status and displays a date and time stamp for each 00:08:49.560 --> 00:08:50.880 transaction on the form. 00:08:53.600 --> 00:08:57.741 If CBP rejects an arrival report, the user will be able to 00:08:57.741 --> 00:09:01.040 amend the report by clicking the Amend button. 00:09:02.040 --> 00:09:06.049 After reviewing the information and making necessary changes, 00:09:06.049 --> 00:09:08.960 you may resubmit the amended arrival report. 00:09:10.040 --> 00:09:12.480 The status will change to Resubmitted. 00:09:14.800 --> 00:09:19.085 You may only delete information when the arrival report is in 00:09:19.085 --> 00:09:21.920 Draft, Submitted, or Resubmitted status. 00:09:22.520 --> 00:09:26.898 Once again, if CBP has approved your arrival report, you will 00:09:26.898 --> 00:09:31.065 not be able to delete or make modifications to the arrival 00:09:31.065 --> 00:09:31.560 report. 00:09:34.280 --> 00:09:38.639 If you choose to delete an arrival report, VECS will ask 00:09:38.639 --> 00:09:41.240 you to confirm deleting the form. 00:09:42.320 --> 00:09:46.023 Once you click the confirm delete, the form will clear all 00:09:46.023 --> 00:09:50.040 fields and you will be able to start working on a blank arrival 00:09:50.040 --> 00:09:50.480 report. 00:09:53.320 --> 00:09:57.477 This concludes the Vessel Entrance and Clearance Training 00:09:57.477 --> 00:10:00.560 for Vessel Agents Lesson 3 Arrival Report.