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  1. Employee Resources
  2. News Room
  3. Healthy Connections for a Healthy Heart

Healthy Connections for a Healthy Heart

Release Date: February 8, 2022

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, causing one in four deaths each year. Despite this chronic condition, there are many things that can be done to live a heart-healthy life. Use the tips below to stay on top of your heart health.

Move More

Get creative to achieve at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week. Consider inviting a colleague to keep you on track. Text each other a reminder to go for a walk or take an online exercise class together. If you have kids, another way to stay active is to carve out time in the day to do jumping jacks, shoot some hoops, or dance together.

Eat Healthy

Studies suggest that we have the tendency to eat like the people around us. In other words, your healthy choices might inspire those you spend time with. You can make healthy choices by limiting added sugars and starting your meal with fruits or veggies. If you choose fast food, consider the healthy options such as grilled items, a side salad, or baked potato.

Manage Weight

Join an online healthy lifestyle program with a buddy or recruit an accountability partner that will support your goals and help keep you on track. Social support from friends and family will keep you motivated.

Manage Sleep and Stress

Follow healthy sleep practices, like having a regular bedtime routine or practicing meditation to lower your stress and help you sleep better.

Quit Smoking

Set a quit date and ask your family, friends, and doctor for support in your effort. Consider taking an online class or joining a community group to help you connect with others trying to quit too.

Track Your Heart Health Stats

Keep a log of your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight goals, and physical activity stats. As always, consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise plan.

Seek Help When You Need It. 

Get the support you need to improve your heart health through the Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). EAP support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For additional resources and information about heart disease, visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website. For more information on employee resources, please contact worklife@hq.dhs.gov.

Last Updated: 02/08/2022
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