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  1. Employee Resources
  2. News Room
  3. Summer Camps

Summer Camps

Release Date: May 17, 2022

Did you know your Component Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can help you find summer camps for your children?

Although summer school breaks with young children can create scheduling challenges for parents, they also serve as a great opportunity to keep children engaged in activities that interest them and allow them to make new friends. Enrolling in a summer camp can also help your children gain skills, build confidence, and learn responsibility.

Summer camps offer a chance to keep summer both relaxing and fun while exposing children to situations where they can practice leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills as well socialization. Your EAP can help you find summer day camps, residential summer camps, and even special needs or gifted and talented programs.

Contact your Component Employee Assistance Program, your Component EAP specialist, or your DHS Work-Life Specialist at worklife@hq.dhs.gov for more information.

Last Updated: 01/09/2025
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