As threats and security challenges evolve, S&T is poised to address them with programs that not only bridge current capability gaps, but also implement concepts and visionary goals that look 20 to 30 years ahead. S&T is forging paths that will help transport the nation to a more secure, resilient future.
S&T's Role
S&T plays a critical role in addressing major homeland security threats by leveraging partnerships with DHS components, industry, academia and first responders around the nation. Understanding the operational environment and having strong relationships with operators makes S&T an effective catalyst for change, helping find solutions to crosscutting issues that affect all mission areas and components.
Visionary Goals
The visionary goals will guide our future research and development efforts as well as our response to emerging homeland security threats. S&T’s programs and projects address a wide range of technology opportunities and homeland security challenges. We tackle each program strategically by working closely with the boots-on the-ground operators to determine problems, gaps and challenges and then leverage partnerships across academia, industry and government to find the right solutions to solve today’s issues, strengthen our defenses and guide the nation into the future.