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Secretary Napolitano in Madrid for the G6+1

Release Date: June 30, 2011
Posted by Public Affairs
Secretary Napolitano is in Madrid today to meet with her counterparts from the G6+1 comprised of France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the UK.

Secretary Napolitano at the G6+1 in Madrid (Photo by DHS)
During her meetings, Secretary Napolitano discussed the importance of working with global partners to strengthen border security, prevent the exploitation of international borders by terrorists and transnational criminals, and combat illicit trafficking. Through initiatives such as Operation Rubix Cube, operated by U.S., British and Nigerian authorities, information sharing has led to over 100 seizures of heroin and cocaine shipments across three continents since March 2010.

Secretary Napolitano also underscored the key roles of our partners in improving security cooperation and information sharing to better protect our global trade and travel systems.

The Department has continued to expand collaboration with our European partners through initiatives such as Operation Pacific Rim, a transnational criminal investigation, with Spain and other international partners, that, since 2009, has identified and dismantled the largest drug trafficking and bulk cash smuggling organization in U.S. law enforcement history.

Secretary Napolitano signing the U.S.-Spain Agreement on Science and Technology for Homeland Security Matters
While in Madrid, Secretary Napolitano joined Spanish First Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Alfredo Pérez Rubalacaba to sign the U.S.-Spain Agreement on Science and Technology for Homeland Security Matters.

She also met bilaterally with French Interior Minister Claude Gueant, Polish Interior Minister Jerzy Miller, and UK Home Secretary Theresa May.

Check back for an update tomorrow as the Secretary travel to Vienna where she will deliver remarks to the Annual Security Review Conference at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and meet with Austrian and international officials.
Last Updated: 08/07/2024
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