What We Do
CP3 strengthens our country’s ability to prevent targeted violence and terrorism nationwide.
Prevention Forums
Webinars showcasing prevention successes and best practices.
TVTP Grant Program
The only federal grant program solely dedicated to helping local communities develop and strengthen their capabilities in this area.
Prevention Works
Together, we can shape a future where safety, understanding, and resilience are the cornerstones of our communities.
The Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) strengthens our country's targeted violence and terrorism prevention abilities through funding, training, increased public awareness, and partnerships across every level of government, the private sector, and in local communities.
Who We Are
CP3 is committed to preventing targeted violence and terrorism through programs and partnerships that support safe and healthy communities. This work is based on the principles of public health, which support the general well-being of all people at the society, community, relationship, and individual levels.
What We Do
CP3 builds partnerships and provides funding, training, and increased public awareness across every level of government, the private sector, and in local communities. We convene Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) providers, curate TVTP research and best practices, and aid states and communities in building TVTP strategies and prevention programs.
Latest News
Stay informed about CP3’s latest efforts in creating a culture of targeted violence and terrorism prevention in the United States, and discover our impact on community safety and resilience.
Read All CP3 News
Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant recipient Global Peace Foundation (GPF) hosted a Youth Leadership Development and Knowledge Exchange event earlier this month, both in person in Marriottsville, Md., and virtually. GPF is dedicated to promoting a values-based approach to peacebuilding, while collaborating with partners to develop peacebuilding models for ethical and cohesive societies. Read more about this three-day event.
In today’s global environment, no act of targeted violence or terrorism is solely a domestic concern. The Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) collaborates with experts around the world to share promising practices, learn from new research, and strengthen a global culture of targeted violence and terrorism prevention. CP3’s Strategic Engagement and Policy Implementation office operates on the principle that international partnerships can help prevention providers draw on the best evidence available and ensure a stronger future. Read more about how CP3 staff share expertise and resources to empower practitioners around the world.
Over the summer, Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships’ (CP3’s) Las Vegas Regional Prevention Coordinator and West Region Associate Director visited the North Las Vegas Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center to learn about its workplace violence prevention program and discuss opportunities for collaboration. Read more about the CP3 team’s visit with Workplace Violence Prevention Program Manager Dr. Meredith Avedon and Deputy Program Manager Felicia Douville, LCSW.
Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties
CP3 prioritizes privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties within DHS legal authorities and policy. CP3 works to ensure that its programs include fundamental constitutional and legal protections. CP3 does not engage in widespread data collection or activities like law enforcement investigations or intelligence gathering. CP3 does not engage in censorship or encourage or facilitate any censorship. Government censorship of viewpoints not only infringes on individuals’ constitutional rights, but it is also an ineffective tactic to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.
Contact Us
To learn more about our initiatives, participate in our programs, and connect with us, please visit our Contact Us page.