If you need immediate assistance, dial 911.
FPS ensures crime victims are:
- Provided with, or directed to, appropriate resources:
- Treated with fairness and with respect for their dignity and privacy.
- Returned to a sense of security at the federal facility.
- Reasonably protected from the accused.
- Provided with information on the criminal investigation process.
General Investigation Steps:
When information from an investigation is provided to the prosecutors, they review and determine what, if any, criminal charges to file. If probable cause is established, an arrest may be made. Following an arrest, FPS will make every effort to keep victims advised of the status of the case. Not all investigations lead directly to a physical arrest; at the discretion of the prosecuting authority, the subject may be charged via an Information or an Indictment.
Once the case has been filed with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the Victim-Witness Coordinator in that office is available to answer questions during the prosecution phase of the case. When available to the FPS Law Enforcement Officer, the crime victim will be provided with reasonable, accurate, and timely notice of any public court proceeding, or any parole proceeding, involving the crime or of any release or escape of the accused.
- Interview the victim, witnesses, and suspect, if applicable;
- Collect physical and electronic evidence such as fingerprints and carpet fibers, and biological evidence such as blood or hair; and
- Take photographs and videos.
- Develop theories of what happened, the way an event occurred; and
- Establish probable cause to lead to arrest and charges.
- Summarize the investigation in reports; and
- Present reports and related evidence to prosecutors.