The Global Maritime Operational Threat Response Coordination Center supports the inter-agency response to maritime threats involving U.S. interests worldwide.
"Timely, Integrated and Accurate!"
The Maritime Operational Threat Response (MOTR) is the presidentially approved Plan to achieve a coordinated U.S. Government response to threats against the United States and its interests in the maritime domain. The MOTR Plan contains operational coordination requirements to ensure quick and decisive action to counter maritime threats. In its first five years, the MOTR Plan has been utilized in more than 1,000 maritime events ranging from migrant interdictions and drug seizures to terrorism and piracy.
MOTR Plan and Protocols
The final MOTR Plan was signed in 2006. Operational protocols complement the Plan by providing process guidance for specific types of cases and detailed contact information for each MOTR agency. Interagency review of the MOTR Protocols occurs periodically.
MOTR Advisory Group
The Global MOTR Coordination Center (GMCC) was established in February 2010 to provide full-time support to interagency partners and to serve as a national interagency MOTR coordinator and the Plan’s executive secretariat. The GMCC provides MOTR training, process guidance, expertise, and educational resources to agencies to support federal responses to maritime threats.
Organization and Leadership
The GMCC is focused towards addressing key mission areas while meeting the functional objectives outlined in its founding Presidential Plan. We primarily work with the following agencies:
- Department of State
- Department of Defense
- Department of Justice
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Homeland Security
The GMCC is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) entity, within the U.S. Coast Guard. The GMCC is led by a Senior Executive Service (SES) Director. The GMCC Director is supported by a Deputy Director (an Admiralty Attorney) and a staff of three trained coordinators. During MOTR coordination activities, the GMCC is accountable to the National Security Staff.
GMCC Functions
- 24x7x365 MOTR facilitation and MOTR reporting to the interagency.
- Provide continuous on-demand MOTR exercise, training, and educational resources to all agencies at all levels.
- Serve as an interagency resource for developing policy on MOTR-related issues in consultation with the MOTR Current Operations Implementation Team (COIT).
- Support interagency initiatives requiring the use or potential use of MOTR.
- Incorporate lessons learned and improvements to MOTR Protocols and national-level interagency coordination.
National Command Center
(202) 372-2100