“If You See Something, Say Something®”
Chances are you’ve heard the slogan. But if you were to see something suspicious, do you know who to say something to? Due to several recent attacks across our country, the nation remains in a heightened threat environment. It has become crucial, now more than ever, to be prepared to recognize and respond to signs of suspicious activity.
Year-round, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) "If You See Something, Say Something®" campaign works to empower and educate the public on the importance of reporting terrorism-related suspicious activity to local law enforcement.
DHS designated September 25 as national “If You See Something, Say Something®” Awareness Day. The day is a time for unity, because each one of us plays a role in protecting our neighbors, family, coworkers, friends, and other members of our communities.
How to Participate in #SeeSayDay on September 25, 2022
Hopefully, you won’t ever encounter suspicious activity in your day-to-day life. But if you do, you’ll want to be prepared to report it. Remember: Factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity are not suspicious. A cornerstone of the DHS mission is ensuring that people’s civil rights and civil liberties are not diminished by our security efforts, activities, and programs. As such, the DHS “If You See Something, Say Something®” campaign encourages the public to report only suspicious behavior and situations (e.g., someone breaking into a restricted area), rather than one’s appearance, to authorities. This #SeeSayDay, take the time to look up the best phone number for reporting suspicious activity wherever you live, work, or spend time -- and save that number in your phone. The steps are easy:
- Click here to learn how to report suspicious activity.
- Select the states most relevant to you directly in the interactive map.
- Find your city or state’s Suspicious Activity Reporting number and save it to your phone.
Note: If there is an immediate emergency, call 911. Do not report suspicious activity to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Instead, notify local authorities. - Encourage your colleagues and loved ones to do the same! Use the campaign’s #SeeSayDay social media tools to spread the word and use the hashtag #SeeSayDay in your posts.
- Check out dhs.gov/SeeSay for more information about the campaign and resources to share with your communities on September 25, or any time of the year.
Public safety is everyone’s responsibility. By saving the proper phone number(s) for reporting suspicious activity to your phone— and encouraging others to do so as well — you’ll be better equipped to help keep your communities safe when you see something suspicious.