Weapons of Mass Destruction
Weapons of Mass Destruction
FACT SHEET AND REPORT: DHS Advances Efforts to Reduce the Risks at the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Threats
DHS submitted a full report and a fact sheet of selected findings from the AI CBRN Report to the President in response to Executive Order (E.O.) 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
NBIC SLTT Engagement
NBIC collaborates with and serves as a bridge between federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) partners to integrate information from sources related to biological threats to improve early warning and situational awareness.
DHS First Responder Vaccine Initiative Pilot Program Report
DHS First Responder Vaccine Initiative Pilot Program
Biological Attack Fact Sheet
A biological attack is the intentional release of a pathogen (disease causing agent) or biotoxin (poisonous substance produced by a living organism) against humans, plants, or animals. An attack against people could be used to cause illness, death, fear, societal disruption, and economic damage. An attack on agricultural plants and animals would primarily cause economic damage, loss of confidence in the food supply, and possible loss of life.
Chemical Attack Fact Sheet
A chemical attack is the spreading of toxic chemicals with the intent to do harm. A wide variety of chemicals could be made, stolen, or otherwise acquired for use in an attack. Industrial chemical plants or the vehicles used to transport chemicals could also be sabotaged.
DHS/FEMA/PIA-008 First Responder Training System (FRTS)
DHS/FEMA/PIA-008 First Responder Training System (FRTS)
IND Health and Safety Planning Guide
The Health and Safety Planning Guide for Planners, Safety Officers, and Supervisors for Protecting Responders Following a Nuclear Detonation provides response planners, safety officers, and supervisors with specific information and recommendations to protect responders from the effects and impacts of an extreme event: a 10 kiloton (KT) improvised nuclear device (IND) within the first 72 hours of a detonation.
IED Attack Fact Sheet
An improvised explosive device (IED) attack is the use of a "homemade" bomb and/or destructive device to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract. IEDs are used by criminals, vandals, terrorists, suicide bombers, and insurgents. Because they are improvised, IEDs can come in many forms, ranging from a small pipe bomb to a sophisticated device capable of causing massive damage and loss of life. IEDs can be carried or delivered in a vehicle; carried, placed, or thrown by a person; delivered in a package; or concealed on the roadside. The term IED came into common usage during the Iraq War that began in 2003.
Nuclear Attack Fact Sheet
Unlike a "dirty bomb" which disperses radioactive material using conventional explosives, a nuclear attack is the use of a device that produces a nuclear explosion. A nuclear explosion is caused by an uncontrolled chain reaction that splits atomic nuclei (fission) to produce an intense wave of heat, light, air pressure, and radiation, followed by the production and release of radioactive particles. For ground blasts, these radioactive particles are drawn up into a "mushroom cloud" with dust and debris, producing fallout that can expose people at great distances to radiation.
Radiological Attack Fact Sheet
A radiological attack is the spreading of radioactive material with the intent to do harm. Radioactive materials are used every day in laboratories, medical centers, food irradiation plants, and for industrial uses. If stolen or otherwise acquired, many of these materials could be used in a "radiological dispersal device" (RDD).