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DHS-TSA-PIA-044 - Vetting of Security Personnel Receiving International TSA Training Assistance


May 7, 2014. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA)’s Office of Global Strategies conducts security training for foreign partners (foreign governments, air carriers, and private companies responsible for transportation security) in order to mitigate threats originating overseas, and to reduce the risk of insider threats among those receiving training from TSA. TSA conducts a Security Threat Assessment (STA) for individuals who reside outside the United States who have been nominated by the foreign partner for TSA-funded, sponsored, or administered security-related training.  These foreign partners are responsible for security measures at foreign transportation facilities and employ individuals to carry-out those security measures. TSA conducted this Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) because it will collect, maintain, and disseminate information in identifiable form on the individuals nominated for training.

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DHS-TSA-PIA-044 - Vetting of Security Personnel Receiving International TSA Training Assistance PDF 145.85 KB
Last Updated: 05/17/2022
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