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Science and Technology Collection

The DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is the Department’s primary research and development arm and manages science and technology research, from development through transition, for the Department's operational components and first responders.

  • Addressing the Nation's Wildfire Problem: An S&T Roadmap

    As climate conditions are becoming hotter and drier, wildfires have grown more intense and destructive across much of the United States. The public safety challenges from wildfires are most acute in the area known as the wildland urban interface where lives and infrastructure are at most risk. Addressing the nation’s wildfire problem will invariably involve bridging different cultures of fire safety and risk that have traditionally been separate and developing a mix of social and technological innovations and ecosystem services to enable better wildfire mitigation and firefighting practices.

  • Earth Systems Science: Key Themes, Trends, and Emerging Concerns

    Our Earth system is facing a multitude of challenges across a variety of threat vectors. Identifying, characterizing, quantifying, and addressing these risks remains difficult. Threats like climate change pose existential risks but are not well understood from an integrated systems and safety and security perspective. This paper will cover a few themes that should drive our thinking and research agenda on resilience, disaster preparedness, and climate change and be factored into our calculus going forward.

  • Extreme Weather: Opportunities for Improved Preparedness and Resilience

    This report is built on a DHS Science and Technology and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration joint workshop hosted at the University of Oklahoma National Weather Center in February 2024 to examine policy, mission, science, and technology requirements to support homeland security, emergency management and public safety missions in the face of extreme weather.

  • P25 CAP ISSI/CSSI Conformance SDOC Template

    P25 vendors must submit a Supplier's Declaration of Compliance (SDOC) to P25 CAP in order for the vendor's equipment to be posted on the P25 CAP Approved (Grant-Eligible) Equipment webpage.

  • P25 CAP ISSI/CSSI Interoperability SDOC Template

    P25 vendors must submit a Supplier's Declaration of Compliance (SDOC) to P25 CAP in order for the vendor's equipment to be posted on the P25 CAP Approved (Grant-Eligible) Equipment webpage.

  • DHS S&T’s Homeland Security Startup Studio: 2023 Cohort Overview Report

    DHS S&T Homeland Security Startup Studio (HSSS) 2023 Cohort Overview Report provides detailed program information, project milestones and metrics, collaboration efforts, and outcomes of the 2023 Startup Studio cohort.

  • Emergency Management of Tomorrow Research: Emergency Operations Center of the Future Tabletop Exercises

    DHS S&T partnered with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) on the Emergency Management of Tomorrow Research (EMOTR) program. PNNL hosted three tabletop exercises (TTX) to develop concepts for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) of the Future and provide recommendations to assist DHS S&T in future decision-making with regards to research and development (R&D) and investments toward establishing a framework for a national, coordinated approach to EM.

  • GPS Equipment Testing for Critical Infrastructure Fact Sheet

    The GPS Equipment Testing for Critical Infrastructure (GET-CI) test series is part of the Science and Technology Directorate's Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Program's collaborative efforts designed to help industry partners test and evaluate their technologies to become more resilient against disruptions.

  • First Responder Resource Group Big City Fire Working Group Fact Sheet

    The Big City Fire Working Group (BCF) brings together representatives from 12 of the largest fire departments in the United States, as measured by number of stations and operational personnel. BCF members are senior leaders who understand the highest priorities of their departments and collaborate to identify and discuss the needs and challenges of fighting fire in dense urban settings. The S&T's NUSTL convenes and manages the BCF in support of the Directorate’s first responder portfolio and is responsible for setting strategy, executing process and identifying potential research, development, test and evaluation opportunities associated with the group.

  • Bellbird Aerial Communications Platform Fact Sheet

    The Bellbird is an aerial drone capable of two-way communication and projecting highly intelligible voice commands to enhance the capability of law enforcement crowd management operations, reducing the likelihood of unintended impacts or injury to officers and citizens.