Internal Directives Strategy and Doctrinal Products Collection
Selected internal directives, strategic planning and budget documents, and similar documents.
DHS Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans Organizational Chart
View the current organizational chart for the Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans.
DHS Burden Reduction Plan for Fiscal Year 2024
The Department of Homeland Security’s Burden Reduction Plan for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 is a cross-functional and cross-Component effort that continues the successes achieved in FY 2023. It is critical for all DHS employees to place customers at the center of all work and improve their interactions and experiences with the Department.
DHS Information Technology Strategic Plan 2024-2028
The DHS Information Technology (IT) Strategic Plan 2024-2028 enables the Department to set goals and support cross-functional and cross-organizational priorities to achieve our mission.
Lapse in Funding for DHS
The Department’s contingency plan outlines procedures for an orderly shutdown of non-exempt functions during a lapse in funding or appropriations.
National Vetting Governance Board Charter
Charter of the National Vetting Governance Board, established pursuant to National Security Presidential Memorandum-9, "Optimizing the Use of Federal Government Information in Support of the National Vetting Enterprise," dated February 6, 2018.
Department of Homeland Security Fusion Center Engagement and Information Sharing Strategy for 2022–2026
The Department's Fusion Center Engagement and Information Sharing Strategy document outlines a multi-year commitment to supporting our law enforcement and homeland security partners in states and cities nationwide, and describes how DHS enables information sharing vital to fusion centers’ missions and our national security.
Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) Certification
These documents include the signed statement by the authoritative representative DHS Chief Information Officer (CIO) that the DHS DCOI Strategic Plan has verified that the accompanying Strategic Plan is a valid JSON file, conforms to the schema on
Management Directives - Information and Technology Management
DHS Management Directives related to Information and Technology Management.