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Expert Recommendations Memo Concerning Suicide Prevention


CRCL conducted an investigation into attempted and successful suicides while in CBP custody. CRCL's onsite investigations occurred on March 28, 2017, and April 4-5, 2017, at the Brownsville Port of Entry, Marfa Border Patrol Station, Marfa Border Patrol Checkpoint, Rio Grande Valley Centralized Processing Center, and the McAllen Station Processing Center. As part of the review, CRCL reviewed policies and procedures of the Office of Field Operations  and U.S. Border Patrol  as they relate to suicide prevention and engaged the assistance of a subject matter expert in the field of suicide prevention in a custodial environment.

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Expert Recommendations Memo Concerning Suicide Prevention (February 12, 2018) PDF 781.43 KB 02/12/2018
Last Updated: 06/17/2022
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