Investing in the Future with HS-POWER Interns
Celebrating 100 talented students and their mentors who are making a positive impact across DHS.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Office of University Programs (OUP) streamlines access to the expertise of the nation’s colleges and universities by providing innovative research, development and education to address pressing homeland security needs.
S&T's Office of University Programs Harnesses the Intellectual Power of America's Universities
Funding and Partnership Opportunities for Students and Academic Institutions
The Office of University programs offers a number of opportunities for engagement, including paid programs for undergraduate and graduate students, and requests for information and proposals for college and university research programs.
- Undergraduate and graduate Students -The Homeland Security Professional Opportunities for Student Workforce to Experience Research (HS-POWER) program aims to promote long-term relationships between students, researchers, DHS personnel, and research facilities to develop a diverse, educated, and skilled pool of STEM professionals. The program provides undergraduate and graduate students paid opportunities to participate in quality homeland security-related research experiences.
- Undergraduate and graduate students and early-career faculty - The Summer Research Teams (SRT) program places MSI teams made up of early-career faculty, undergraduate and graduate students for ten weeks to conduct full-time collaborative research at a DHS Center of Excellence.
- College and Universities – Throughout the year, many DHS Centers of Excellence issue requests for information and calls for proposals on topics of importance to the homeland security mission. Visit S&T’s Funding and Partnership Opportunities web page to view current announcements.
Follow @dhsscitech on your preferred social media platforms for news about opportunities and events from the Office of University Programs.
- Blog: Celebrating a Summer of STEM
- Feature Article: Inequity IS the Disaster
- Blog: Strides in STEM: Honoring Women-Led Achievements at Our Centers of Excellence
- Blog: Safeguarding Our Agriculture and Food Supply
- Blog: Preparing for Extreme Weather Events
- Blog: In Their Own Words: S&T’s Women in Science
- S&T in 2023: A Year in Review
- Video: ADAC-ARCTIC, DHS Center of Excellence in the Arctic
- News Release: DHS S&T to Award $46M Funding to The University of Alaska Anchorage to Launch the ADAC-ARCTIC Center of Excellence for Homeland Security in the Arctic
- Blog: 2023 - An Investment in the Future
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards $3M to University of Illinois for Next Generation 911 Interoperability Testing
- Blog: Protecting Our Critical Infrastructure During Uncertain Times
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards Nearly $1.8M to 18 Faculty Members at Minority Serving Institutions to Further Summer Research Team Program Projects
- Feature Article: Keeping Score—New Tool Helps Communities Plan for and Mitigate Disasters
- Feature Article: Summer of Science with S&T's HS-POWER Interns
- Feature Article: S&T Awardees Help Undeserved Communities, and the Nation, Tackle Tough Challenges
- Technologically Speaking Podcast: Bring the Best You Have, Innovate and Push
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards $9M in Scientific Leadership Award Grants to Eight Minority Serving Institutions
- Blog: Congratulations to our First MBA Graduating Class
- Blog: Science Strengthens Its Stride: Welcome HS-POWER Interns
- News Release: DHS S&T Announces $45M Funding Opportunity for New Center of Excellence for Homeland Security in the Arctic
- Blog: Big Promise from the Very Small
- Feature Article: Ensuring Next Generation 911 Interoperability
- News Release: DHS S&T Announces New Student Research Internship
- Feature Article: S&T Hackathon Addresses Emerging Threats to Critical Infrastructure
- News Release: DHS S&T Selects 2022 Summer Research Teams from Minority Serving Institutions
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards Funding to Minority Serving Institutions to Advance Summer Research Projects
- News Release: DHS S&T Launches the 2022 HS Power Program