The rapid increase in the availability and sophistication of UAS represents a significant challenge, as their capabilities progress faster than the ability to assess and mitigate the threat posed by nefarious small UAS.
The Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T’s) program assesses C-UAS technologies both in laboratory and real-world operational environments and assists DHS Components in: developing and refining requirements, completing the Congressionally mandated 6 USC 124n process to test and evaluate prototype C-UAS capabilities at a covered asset or mission, and in executing limited-duration C-UAS technology pilots at DHS Component locations. The program also guides the development of new and innovative technologies to deliver critical C-UAS capabilities to DHS Components.
- Technologically Speaking Podcast: It's Fair, It's Open, and It's Kind of Welcomed with Both Arms
- News Release: DHS S&T Seeks to Assess Kinetic Mitigation Capabilities for Countering Small Unmanned Aerial Systems
- News Release: DHS S&T Seeks to Test Innovative Technologies to Counter “Dark” Small, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Swarms
- Feature Article: Drone Piloting Proficiency Takes Flight with Certification Course
- News Release: DHS S&T Awards $259M to Counter-Unmanned Aircraft System Threats
- Feature Article: Safely Handling Drones…S&T Has an App for That!
- New Release: S&T Funds Washington Startup to Test Metamaterial-Based Radar
- Feature Article: As Drone Popularity and Potential Risk Soars, so too does S&T Preparedness
- Snapshot: Working with NASA to Secure Drone Traffic
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